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Abalone and sea urchin divers in their daily work are very aware of the habitat where they fish and as such have always been supportive of research that feeds into sustainable resource management.

Divers become acutely aware of any environmental changes to the reefs they fish.

As such divers have always been involved in research projects for the betterment of the fishery and the ecosystems that support those fisheries.

The Diver observation App is one way divers record their daily observations, yet over the years projects have included:
  • Interactions with sea urchins & abalone
  • Improving roe quality of sea urchin roe
  • Sea urchin (C rodgersii) impacts on habitat and projects to restore lost habitats
  • Plague to Profit (with Oceanwatch).
  • Quality Assurance
  • Environmental Code of Practice
  • Market research
  • Marine safety

Abalone research is now handled through AANSW affiliation with the Abalone Council of Australia and the Fisheries Research development Corporation

Any amount will do!

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